Shinichi Higa and Sadako Matsumoto -- by Clyde "Choc" Higa --- Glenn, Lynne, Kavin (deceased), Eric (deceased), Debbie, and Myron
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Genealogy From What I Remember
Grandfather Eimitsu Matsumoto(?) and Grandmother (???), Mother Sadako Matsumoto.
Older Brother Glenn Shin Higa, Wife Patty (??), Daughters Cindy Mae and Dana Sadako.
Currently living in OKC, OK. Retired USAF and working for the FAA.
2nd Son Clyde Ken Higa, Self-employed; ex-Wife Thanaphan Thirasungsit (Thailand), Girlfriend of 11 years Julie Nihau-Subica. Living in greater Phoenix, AZ
Son Natapol "Tom" Auayfuay, Construction Project Manager, Wife Tammy, Daughters Savanna and Autumn with one on the way. Living in Waddell, AZ.
Son Apichart "Ti Lung" Photnetrakhom, Performer for Walt Disney World and owner of Dance and Gymnastics Academy in Orlando, Florida; Wife, Amanda.
Daughter Achariya "Ying" Auayfuay Boupha, Mortgage Banker, Husband Noy, QA Engineer, Son Seth. Living in Phoenix, AZ.
Daughter Arisara Sadako Lynck. Credit Counselor, Husband James, Daughters Stepheny, Mikela, Megan and Sons Jake and Kobi. Living in El Mirage, AZ.
Sister Lynne Miwako Tanno, Husband Leighton, Sons Lance and Logan.
Brother (Deceased) Kavin Tetsuo Higa, Honolulu, HI.
Brother (Deceased) Eric Jitsuo Higa, Lancaster, CA.
Sister Debra Suemi Kerr, Sons Chad, Lane "Koko", and Jacob. Living in Simi Valley, CA.
Brother Myron Hideo Higa, Daughters Shauna and Kara.
Friday, December 8, 2006
Nolan and the Midget Major Little League Team
It was kind of embarassing (at the time, but now, quite funny reminiscing about it) because the team did not know the fundamentals. We were just a bunch of kids that used to play put-together ball games at St. Joseph's High School field because it was across from the lower section of Lanakila and really close to where we were living at the time. Well, after about three or four straight losses that were called due to the opponent being more than 10 runs ahead after 4 innings, one of the key players, Nolan Chaves, got killed in an auto accident.
I don't know how it started; but, the team got together and decided that they would continute the season and before every practice (sometimes at the Lyman Field) and before every game (at Carvalho Park), we stopped to visit Nolan's grave in Homelani Cemetery as we walked through to the practice and/or game. Homelani Cemetery was at the top of Ponahawai Street and had a trail through a private sugar cane field that we could cut through to get to Lyman House.
We had to walk up Haili Street, around the northern part of Halai Hill, past the County Jail, over to Waianauenue Avenue just mauka of Hilo High School, and up to the intersection where Carvalho Park was.
Well, something "miraculous" started happening after the team began visiting Nolan before every game - the team began winning. In spite of still being a raggedy team, things just started falling into line and the team won game after game such that they got into the playoffs. It was a lot of fun during the win streak and we were all excited and always jumping around yelling and cheering for everything. We got cocky, I'd say.
So the day of the big game - we were playing "I don't know who" but if we won, we would get to the championships of the Big Island Parks & Recreation Midget-Major Championships. For whatever reason, everything during the day before the game went wrong and it ended up where only a part of the team walked up and stopped to visit Nolan's grave. We lost the game on what we claimed to be a really bad called strike three by the umpire. The bases were loaded, 2 outs, and Lester was called out on strikes so we lost. Something like if he had walked, the game would be tied and Eric was up; or, if he had got a hit, we surely would have won. We were plenty discouraged for days after that, blaming everything we could (as little kids do. We mostly blamed the guys who did not visit Nolan's grave before the game. I don't think Nolan liked that because he was a good kid and friend. I do remember that some of the bickering about being "jinxed" because "they" did not visit Nolan started before the game started and continued throughout - we failed to execute as a team. That is the biggest reason we lost the big game: we did not have belief that we could win. Perhaps coming from Lanakila, we did not feel we deserved to win and be successful.
Life goes on and we seldom talk about that season anymore. I remember it from time-to-time, and the lesson I really get out of that is no matter who or where you come from, if you have enough belief in that you are doing, you can attain success. When you work together as a team and keep your spirits high, you can attain your dream. We were very successful then, but, many of us did not realize it.
Thursday, December 7, 2006
The Bowling Alley Haili Street
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
The "Jungle" and Rodney Taketa
It was no problem to go to the house during the day and see all the "wild cats" that had taken over the house; but, when it got dark, it was too spooky. I swear, there were all kinds of strange noises that could be heard after the sun went down.
Across the street was Rodney Taketa's house. Rodney had a leaking heart and was always stunted in growth. From the 3rd or 4th grade on, he was always going to the hospital and had to take "numerous" trips to Honolulu and the mainland to see specialists about the leak in his heart. The final summer before he never came back, Rodney and I sat on the front porch of his house and we talked about the trip he was taking to the mainland during the coming summer. We were only 10 or 11 years old at the time; but, we knew how serious the operation was. He was always a joking, wise-cracking guy but the night before he was to leave, he didn't want to joke or anything. We mostly sat and stared across the street. Even though it was getting dark and I would have to walk up the street across from the jungle, I couldn't make myself leave. Rodney was my best friend at the time and he had told me that he had a feeling that he might not come back from the mainland. I told him not to talk like that; but, he said that before all the previous operations, he always had a good feeling that he would make it. For this one, he said he sensed that this was the last time we would see each other. I don't know if I hugged Rodney when I finally left when his mother told him he had to get inside and get ready for bed - you didn't hug in those days if you were a "man." I do know that I wasn't scared of the jungle because I wasn't paying attention to anything except thinking about what Rodney had told me. I kept telling myself that he was coming back and before I knew it, I had walked past the jungle, past the Chinese Church, and was already at home. In spite of his short life, I'm sure that he enjoyed it and as philosophical as he was, he was grown up beyond his years. Rodney Taketa was a brave guy. Here's to you Rodney, I think of you a lot because you taught me many things. I am grateful and happy to have been your best friend. I know that you often smiled down on me and helped me through my tough times.
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Place Names, People Names, whatever Names..
Monday, December 4, 2006
Dad's Friends
Other names: Bailado, Narimatsu, Eli (with the six fingers), Maluo, Kamelamela, a guy named Abe. I know there were a lot more. Well, they'll probably come to me later.
Dad's favorite beer was Lucky Lager but of course, Primo, Schlitz, Hamm's, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and whatever was available eventually made it to the table. Very little hard liquor in those days. I tell you, though, if re-cycling had been in at that time, there would have been a lot of cans available for redeeming.
Remember one last thing - Primo came out with what they called, "Glass Cans". Strange promotion. That might have been their last gasp before having to be bought out by Schlitz Brewing Company and moved to the mainland instead of being made on Oahu.
Sunday, December 3, 2006
August, 1961, Intermediate School Has Begun
"Sons of the blue and white,
Our hopes are met in you today,
From the field of battle
Soon will come the call
To fight in array!
Lift high your banner,
Loyal 'er be,
And when the day is done
We'll sing our song of victory!"
7th grade. Walking all the way from Lanakila. Kapiolani Street, past the St. Joseph's School Nun's dormitory/apartments, till almost to Mauna Loa School (corner of Ponahawai and Kapiolani), turn up and cut through the graveyard (Homelani Memorial Park), there is a trail through the sugar cane field that comes out by the Lyman Boy's Club, up Haili Street, turn right on Laimana Street, cut up by Mr. Tsuji's Wood Shop, across the schoolyard, past the gymnasium, and hang around in front of the bandroom because the "gang" was there. (Note that the corner of Kapiolani and Ponohawai plays a part a few years down the road because one of my good friends lived in that house but, that is a story for another year).
Edmund Nakano, Bobby "Moose" Usagawa, Russell Arikawa, Leslie Nishimura, Ralph Black, Leonard Paik, Bruce Hisanaga, others I'll no doubt remember later....Glenn didn't want me hanging around with him so I don't know exactly where he hung around. I think it was fairly close to where I used to because by that time, we were moving into a new circle of friends because our bowling had taken us away from the "rough" gangs. All the aforementioned guys used to bowl at that time.
Lyman Boy's Club, The Lyman Museum, Halai Store (corner of Haili and Kapiolani), diagonally across the corner is the St. Joseph's Catholic Church, go toward Waianuenue Street, you would get to Hilo Union School where, as Myron jogged my memory, we did attend for a little while before returning to Kapiolani Elementary.
By the way, the 7th grade was when we were forced to wear shoes. Junk, that policy was. Also, around that time, the fashion was beyond bell-bottom trousers, in Hilo, it became "Drapes" and Glenn had, I believe, a 22 or 24 inch bottom on his pants. How come Mom nevah make me one khaki pants that wide, too? Mom sewed all our clothes so we were always in our own fashion. But, we had to buy the shoes from the guy who drove that big gray truck with all the cloth .. we just called him the "Cloth Man." It had the tracks on the bottom of the soles and the shoes were actually plastic, made in Japan, I think. Preferred "hadashii" (barefoot), anyway. 7th grade, we were growing up, or so we felt at the time.
Saturday, December 2, 2006
Friday, December 1, 2006
Random Black-and-Whites (Old Pictures in My Mind)
Spencer Park, McKenzie Park, Isaac Hale park, Kaimu Beach, brachish water, Kalapana, Pahoa, Puna, Glenwood, Mt. View, Volcano Village, Thurston Lava Tube, the Sulphur Banks, Pahala, going 5 miles an hour down the road because Dad was a "careful" driver - looooong time to get to Hilo from 9-1/2 Mile Camp. Cinder Cones. Honey Bees in the holes in the cones.
Musubi with Ume inside. Takuan. Daikon. Pickled Radishes. Pickled mango. Pickled everything you can imagine. Picnics at the beach with the best homemade food in the world.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Late 1960 ....early-1961...
It was 24 Lanes, what is now 17 thru 40. Kind of expensive because it cost 35 cents a game and 15 cents to rent the shoes. I'm trying to remember what the "pull" was, but, we ended up hanging around there all the time. Then, we got into the Saturday morning Junior Bowling Program and our "second father" Mr. Bob Kurihara came into our lives. We (Glenn and me) slowly drifted away from our "soft-core criminal- leaning" lives and naturally, our circle of friends changed.
In a more positive turn of my life, getting involved with bowling and Bob and the coaches of the Junior Bowling Club of Hilo, it "took me off the streets", so to speak and I began getting into less juvenile delinquent behavior. Much of my character development came during the 6 years of junior bowling. Bob, Charles Grube, Itsu Sakai, Hide Nakashima, Paul Miyada, Elaine Sakoda, Ruth Okino, Muggs Kataoka, Yori Shimooka, Sam Sakoda, Paul and Violet Goo, Mrs. Segawa, Leslie Tanimoto, and probably a host of others I have not mentioned. They treated us as their own and helped us to keep pointed in the positive direction and out of jail. Late 1960....or early 1961, the time when bowling started taking me in a better direction for my future life.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
was among us. I am grateful he was my brother.
Friday, April 26, 1996
Higa was a talented performer
By Jim Witty, Star-Bulletin
Kavin Tetsuo Higa, whose diverse talents made him a sought-after actor, singer and dancer in scores of Honolulu productions, died April 23. He was 42.
Remembered by many as a talented entertainer, Higa touched a lot of people in his different incarnations, said Mary Marko, production stage manager at Diamond Head Theatre. Whether it was performing the hula with Halau Hula O` Maiki and Halau Ke Kia`i a o Hula, singing bass with various choirs and ensembles, dancing country western with Blazin' Saddles or acting on the stage, "he did all of them well," Marko said.
Born in Hilo, Higa showed early promise as an entertainer. "Kavin had perfect pitch," recalled sister Lynne Tanno. "And he taught himself how to play guitar and piano." Higa began performing with a group called "Sing Out Hilo" in the late 1960s. He joined a roadshow called "Impossible Years" in 1970 and continued his stage career as a student at the University of Hawaii at Hilo.
He was also a member of The Lutheran Church of Honolulu Choir, St. Mark's Sings, Hawaii Vocal Arts Ensemble, The Honolulu Madrigal Quartet, Operettists and Two-Step Hawaii, and performed in productions at the Diamond Head Theatre, Army Community Theatre, Manoa Valley Theatre and Mamiya Theatre.
His portrayal of the king in the 1993 Army Community Theatre production of "The King and I" earned Higa a Pookela Award**.
He often played the villain because of his low voice, Higa noted in a 1984 interview. Higa was also well-known for his "opening night antics," Marko said. After the performance, he'd dress up like Carmen Miranda and pass out opening night presents. Those who didn't know were surprised. Those of us who did, looked forward to it."
"He was a really giving person," Tanno said. "He was always willing to go out of his way to help someone."
He is survived by his mother, Sadako Higa; brothers Glenn, Clyde, Eric and Myron; sisters, Debra and Lynne; hanai sisters, Nani Naope and Kapiolani Hao; and nieces and nephews.
A life celebration is set for 2 to 6 p.m. April 27 at Church of the Crossroads, 1212 University Ave.
**Po'okela (poh-oh-keh-lah) is the local community theater's "Tony" award for Hawaii small theater.
The Madrigal Singers et al Remember Kavin
By John Berger (Special to the Star-Bulletin)
When Kavin Higa died last year, the other members of the Honolulu Madrigal Quartet wanted to do something to commemorate his passing. Delores Mark, leader and manager of the group, is a persistent woman. It took almost a year of planning by Mark and her fiance, Jerry Chambers, but Higa will be remembered Sunday with a concert, "Christmas in Paradise" at the Hawaii Theatre.
Willie K and Amy Hanaiali'i Gilliom, the Society of Seven, Jay Larrin, Randy & Gay Hongo, and the Honolulu Madrigal Quartet are among the 16-plus acts that will perform. One-third of the ticket revenues will go directly to the Life Foundation.
"You have to pay attention to the details," Chambers said Tuesday. "Like, if you put up a sign about the show, you can't assume that it'll stay up there." He was fielding calls at the couple's office while Mark took care of last minute details elsewhere. Chambers and Mark met several years ago when he was helping organize a benefit concert for another organization. They clicked as a couple and discovered a shared interest in charity work. After successfully producing several small charity events, they took a deep breath and started on "Christmas in Paradise," their biggest production by far.
"We want to give people as much variety as possible, so every seven minutes or so there'll be something different," Chambers said. "We're opening with Pico Payne and the Punahou tap dancers doing 'It Don't Mean a Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing.' The second act is Delores' quartet singing acapella, and then Dita Holifield singing country songs. There will be some big changes in tempos and styles -- like the Ed Sullivan Show when I was a kid."
Chambers adds that producing a charity event isn't as simple as it looks in those old movies where Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland start with nothing and end up staging a Broadway revue in an old barn. Local charities are naturally cautious about working with unproven promoters. Entertainers hesitate to block out a date without assurances that the sponsors are legit ("We're paying everyone a nominal fee, no one is being asked to perform for free," Chambers says). Venues, sound and light companies, and the advertising media generally want the money up front when working with concert promoters; Mark and Chambers have put up a lot of their own money to cover the start-up costs of staging the show.
Some things are beyond their control. There are only so many December concert dates. The couple discovered that Jim Nabors and the Honolulu Symphony are doing shows at the Hawaii Theatre the same weekend.
Chambers and Mark remain undaunted. He says ticket sales have been satisfactory thus far.
"We've got all of our advertising coming out this week and we're hoping for a (last minute) rush. People in Hawaii usually wait until the last minute. "It's a lot of work and a lot of stress but we still enjoy doing it."
Christmas in Paradise
What: Concert presented by the Honolulu Madrigal Quartet and Gerard Chambers in association with Fox 2
When: 7 p.m. tomorrow--Where: Hawaii Theatre--Tickets: $20 - $37.50--Call: 528-0506
© 1997 Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Casting Calls for Kavin
September 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 1993
Directed by JOYCE MALTBY; Musical Direction by WAYNE DeMELLO; Choreographer BRAD POWELL; Set Design by TOM GIZA; Lighting Design by FRANK HERMANN; Costumes Designed by KATHY FRAGO.
Captain Orton - LLOYD G. MILLS; Louis Leonowens - DOUG KREEGER; Anna Leonowens - ANNIE MacLACHLAN; The Interpreter - MATTHEW SUZUKI; The Kralahome - DAVID KLEIST; The King - KAVIN T. HIGA; Phra Alack - KIP KAUKA; Tuptim - RUTH ANN FORTUNO; Lady Thiang - SISTER GRACE CAPELLAS; Prince Chulalongkorn - ISAAC CALPITO-DeREGO; Lun Tha - ALAN MACAIBAY; Sir Edward Ramsay - BILL CARR.
Casting Calls for Kavin
May 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, 1992
Directed by WAYNE KISCHER--Musical Direction by WARREN COHEN--Set Design by TOM GIZA--Lighting Design by ELIZABETH P. CASPER--Costumes Designed by KATHY FRAGO--
Monday, November 27, 2006
1960 After The Wave
It was still Kapiolani Elementary School. Third Grade, I believe. We lived at 764 Kilauea Avenue and then 11 Wilson Street (or was it the other way around?). Anyway, the houses were actually joined together so it kind of didn't matter. Don't remember who lived in either of the houses when we lived in the other one...confused? So am I, I think. There was a bar directly on the corner of Wilson St and Kilauea Avenue called, "Kilauea Inn" where Dad hung out a lot. Only a bar but in those days, they served a lot of pupus legally so guys could hang around all day and night.
One of the largest memories was that an actress named LINDA DARNELL stopped in one day. I really didn't know who she was but we shyly went down there and got her autograph. It wasn't until some time later that Mom pointed her out in a movie that we saw. By that time, I had lost the signature.
Across Wilson Street was another place named, "Smile Inn," which served some really great food and the saimin there was tremendous. It was also a drinking place that Dad hung around and I do remember going there to eat plate lunches and such. Seems to me it was behind the Ota Store. Ota Store was on the corner of Hoku Street and Kilauea Avenue and across on the Hoku Street side was Faye's barber Shop.
Prior to the tidal wave, across of the 764 Kilauea Avenue house, from Piopio Street and heading in the direction towards downtown Hilo, there was nothing but "bushes" as we called them. Guava trees, waiwi (the little tasty guava-like treats), mountain apple trees, california grass, and other assorted types of jungle trees and such. I remember we had a "camp" carved out and "hidden" from everyone - it was our secret meeting place.
We used to play at the Lanai pond (actually a restaurant, but too fancy for us to go to at the time) and Glenn used to catch a lot of frogs there. There was, and still is, a huge Banyan tree on the grounds of the restaurant. Across Kilauea Avenue was the stream that ran under the street into the pond. On that mauka side, we used to also go for frogs; but, there was a lot of "Jojo's" - a species of fresh water eels. If I am not mistaken, they are what the Japanese called "Unagi" and they are quite a delicacy in Japan. Note that the water in those days was clean and we used to be able to drink it when we got thirsty. Did a lot of swimming in the water. Very cold because somewhere upside closer to Kinoole Street, the springs were located. almost came to me who lived in the other adjoining house at Wilson Street/Kilauea Avenue......shucks....maybe later on.
Sunday, November 26, 2006

So I am insomniac, what can I say? I figured I should put another posting with new photos.
It was really nice to have everyone from my family together for our first unofficial family reunion. Nice to have everyone together just because, rather than the usual reasons.....Here is the most recent (if not only) photo of all Clyde's grandkids in one - minus the one on the way, CONGRATULATIONS to Tom & Tammi, who are expecting another baby in spring/summer 2007!!! Also, you will see me with my brothers & sister, as well as all of us with our spouses.
Safe trip to Api & Amanda, who have to fly back to Florida on 11/26 at 12pm Phx time. (sniff, sniff).
Much love & aloha to you all!
Always, Sara
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Higa-Thirasungsit-Auayfuay-Photnetrakhom-Boupha-Lynck Mini-Reunion
There were the 4 "kids" - Tom, Ti Lung, Ying, and Sara. There were the grandkids. There were all the husbands and wives. And so forth and so on ... this family is not camera shy at all.
BTW: This morning at bowling Mikela and Megan got "I Beat The Coach" patches. Mikela shot a 218 and Megan bowled 200, both with handicap.
Family Links Started
Started a new feature today, "Family Links". When talking to Tammi on Thanksgiving, I got the better idea of linking already existing websites to ours while still giving everyone the option to post on this one. More bettah, eh? One sharp Okinawan here. No take too long to catch on to tings when the mind start going.
Friday, November 24, 2006
A Satisfying Thanksgiving, 2006
We went to Tom's and Tammy's house in Surprise (almost to the town of Waddell). Their daughter's are Savannah and Autumn and there is another on the way. Tom is active in PKRA (Pro Kart Racing) which is go kart racing. If you type his name in Google, he comes up with mostly go kart things but also his regular job as Construction Project Manager for a large company here in Phoenix. Tammy does business over the internet.
Ying and Noy with their son, Seth, were there too. Had not seen them for about two years. They brought Tomi (my ex-wife) with them because I understand she lives with them now. Ying is a contributing reporter for the Thai Language newspaper out of LA and does some kind of mortgage work concentrating on the Thai community. Noy is still with STM, a semiconductor company from France which has a branch here in Phoenix.
Of course, Sara and Jim, with their kids were, there. Stepheny and Jake were with their Mom so could not make it this year.
It was a great time to be with family, eat, relax, re-acquaint ourselves, eat, rest, talk story, eat......
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thanksgiving Back Then
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Kimiville As I Remember.....
And now that I write about it, I do remember walking up the street (Ponahawai), along Kapiolani Street and Kapiolani Elementary School, and entering the grounds of Hilo Union School. How long did I attend school there? It must not have been very long.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I Am Myron
1960 Was Tsunami.....
At some time in the early morning, I remember hearing a loud roar, people screaming, crashing sounds as if buildings were being crunched. As we looked toward the bayfront from where we were (it was pitch dark, of course), there was suddenly a huge light flash that literally "lit up everything" in the city of Hilo. The tidal wave had hit the Hilo Electric Light Company generating plant. I can still hear the sounds and people actually screaming and yelling.
The water had come all the way up to the NE corner of the Kapiolani Elementary School property. It had wiped out practically all of the bayfront businesses and we could see destruction and mayhem as far as we could see. No more Sun Sun Lau, The Bowling Palace, Hilo Boy's Club, Hilo Theater, Cow Palace, Kimiville, and the Canal was completely underwater. The Flintkote Factory was gone, Hilo Iron Works, all the bayfront area from Mamo Street till the Wailoa River bridge. Waiakea town, where Suisan, HELCO, and the Ice House were devastated. What a sight!
During the ensuing days, I remember not having to go to school and hearing Mom and Dad talk about how "everything was wiped out." Dad went to help many of his friends which included the Keaukaha area and he would always tell us how things were destroyed. We lived in Lanakila them. I believe Hema Street(?).
However much longer we had to wait before going back to school, I do know that when we did go back, it was a shock to learn so many people were not coming back because they had been consumed in the wave. People did not hear the sirens and did not evacuate, people actually went down to the ocean front to try to catch a good look as the wave came in, and people going down to pick up the fish as they bounced on the ground when the water receded. Amazing stories.
Monday, November 20, 2006
1959 Was Kapoho.....
There was several other eruptions I have visuals of. One was driving down the Chain of Craters road and stopping to watch some guys throwing coins (quarters or half dollars?) into the lava and digging them out so that when it cooled, they would have souveniers to sell. With all the legends, I wonder if they lived to a ripe old age or if their lives were burdened with bad luck. Anyway, we parked the car and had to walk quite a ways so that we could see the lava creeping down the road. We stood "right in front" of the lava as it creeped toward us. I remember being really scared, tired, and the heat was terrible.
The second was the Kilauea Iki one that eventually had the lava fountain rising 1,200 feet above the rim of the Kilauea Caldera. That one was also a long walk through the forest and getting to see the fountain from the opposite side of the crater. It was just below the actual rim of the crater and seemed odd that it was spurting up towards the sky instead of straight out and parallel to the rim.
The third was called Maka O' Puhi (eye of the eel). I seem to remember being there and all; however, that is all I can recall about it at this time.
She Did Great!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Mikela Shoots 292 Series
Saturday, November 18, 2006
First Bowling Tournament
Mikela doesn't know that she comes from a family heritage of junior bowling association champions. Her grand-uncles, Glenn and Eric won the State of Hawaii Junior Bowling Championship in 1964 and 1966, respectively. I also won in 1966. A point of clarification for 1966 is that Eric won the championship for non-(high school) seniors and I won the championship that qualified me for the national junior bowling championships in Washington, D.C. that year. He was in the 10th grade and I was in the 12th. Glenn and I won in what is known as the "Scratch" division in that we received no handicap pins while Eric won in the handicap pins division.
We have not pushed her into bowling. Since I came back to Phoenix four years ago, I have seen her go through a myriad of youth activities - martial arts, dance, gymnastics, chorus, band - you name it, she's been in it. Right now, band, bowling, and student council are her interests. She will do well in this tournament.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Family Names
Tanno, Kamikawa, Miyashiro, Young, Asato, Lally, Urutani, Johnston, Lynck, Pigao, Thirasunsgit, Auay-Fuay, Photnetrakhom, Boupha, Peeples, Kobashigawa, Nihau, Subica, Hamakawa, Waniya...
I know that there are a lot more. Keep adding on, folks, and start building the contact list to let them know we are here.
Kapiolani School
Speaking of names from that time period (circa 1950 to circa 1959): Okamoto Store, Ota Store, Kawamoto Store, Paramount Grill, Kow Kow Corner, Sun Sun Lau, Hilo Boy's Club, Hilo Soda Works, Cafe 100, Kilauea Inn, Moto's Drive Inn, Robert's Bakery, Elsie's Fountain, K. Taniguchi Store, Bar Havana, Salvation Army, Lincoln Park, Mooheau Park, Civic Auditorium, Hoolulu Park, Hilo Theater, Palace Theater, Mamo Theater, Western Auto, Hilo Tribune herald, Lanky's Bakery, Kress Store, National Dollar Store, Mamo Street, Haili Street, Keawe Street, Haili Hill, China Hill, Tokunaga's, Goya's, Mr. Koya, Yano Store, Honolulu Advertiser, Pick-and-Pay, Miko Meats, Sure Save Supermarket, Mode-O-Day, Olaa Dispensary. Kapoho, Kilauea Iki, Fernwood, Mountain View, Glenwood, Kalapana Black Sand Beach, Onekahaka Beach, 4 Miles, King's Landing, Keaukaha, Reed's Bay, Steak and Lobster Restaurant, Hukilau Restaurant, Naniloa Hotel, Coconut Island, Suisan, Wailoa River Bridge, The Airplane Bridge, Sampan Buses, "Shake-Shake".
'nuf fo' today.......
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I am Sara Lynck, born Arisara S. Higa to Clyde & Tomi
I grew up on Sequoia Dr, the only house I can remember, in Phoenix with my older sister, Ying, and older brothers, Tom & Api. I still talk with my best friend, Cindy from that neighborhood.
My daughter Mikela, and my son Kobi lost their father, Carl Peeples in a car accident January 1997.
I married James in December 1999, and we added Stepheney and Jake to our family (Or they added us to theirs, depending on the view). Megan is our youngest, together. She likes to remind everyone that we have the same birthday by telling them how old we BOTH will be!
We live in AZ, in a 2-story house with too many cats, a dog, a snake, a turtle, and a few fish. This is another generation of bowlers, and Grandpa Choc is happy to take the kids to the bowling alley to knock down some pins.....
I hope to hear from more of the family, maybe this will be a fun way to help us to keep in touch...
Much love & aloha,
Hello Higa-Matsumoto etal
I was born on August 30, 1948 at the Matayoshi Hospital in Hoku Street in Hilo, Hawaii. We lived at 9-1/2 mile camp Olaa. As I remember, the house was described as "the first lane on the left and the last house on the right." I attended Olaa Elementary School until the middle of the 1st grade when we moved in with our Matsumoto relatives in Paukaa on Kulana Road. I attended Kalanianaole Elementary School until the middle of the 2nd grade.